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Thoughts on faith and life at Friendship Church


Dennis Brown

Reflections at the beginning of a new year

I began my eighth year at Friendship in early November. As I look back, it’s with such joy for the community that the Lord has built during that time. We are a basically young, multi-cultural, international church. I have watched us grow in unity, growing spiritual maturity, and numerically. This last year we recaptured the momentum of previous years after a difficult 2014. Many of you stepped up to assume positions of leadership. I cannot tell you how much joy it gives me to be here every Sunday and throughout the week with you. I see all the cultural diversity and it truly is a little taste of heaven.

Our plans for now are to transition at the end of 2016. As such, I am working diligently to insure that you have the best leaders in place, and to seek to find, and train a senior pastor who can continue the great journey together. The search team is meeting regularly to accomplish that objective. I saw the end of Downton Abbey last night, and I was struck with Carson’s word (who was in transition) that he wanted to hand the abbey over to the right person. I have that same deep goal and desire.

We also say goodbye in the next two months to two of our leaders:  Rick and Erin Chamness and Jerry & Bebe Chiao. Jerry became our worship director almost five years ago, and changed the tone of the entire church with his leadership. No one knows how valuable his service has been more than me. Along the way, he and Bebe met in the worship team and were married. Rick served as an elder during a difficult period and along with Kin Chong guided us through some choppy waters. Erin was always a big help in the Sunday School. We will miss them. Be sure to greet them and thank them. Also don’t forget to thank Kin even though he is still with us (on sabbatical) as his leadership genius was invaluable in strengthening the church in the past year.

I am also so grateful for Anna Furness who is always looking to lighten my load and serve you in a 1000 ways. Along with all the elders and deacons, I couldn’t be happier with our leadership team.   Let’s pray together for a year in which in greater ways “we glorify God for the good of Taipei.”

Christmas at Friendship

Dennis Brown

Christmas and the Book of Revelation

This year, our BSF friends are studying the Book of Revelation. Someone said that people all over the world are flocking to BSF to study this book. It’s no wonder. With the world in crisis, people want to know if there is a meaning to history. Is there a plan? Is there an end--and is it a good one? Is anyone in charge? This Sunday, I will begin a special holiday season titled “Christmas and the Book of Revelation.”

Another word for Christmas is Advent which has to do with waiting. At the first Christmas, Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, Joseph, Simeon, and Anna were all looking for a Messiah. He came in the person of Jesus. Today we look back to Bethlehem and wait in anticipation for his second coming--the second Advent.

Revelation says that there is one who is in charge--the lamb who was slain, the lion of the tribe of Judah. Let us draw hope for our lives and world from this book. After the holidays, we will resume our series “Dig Deep: Doctrine for Life” looking at great leaders in church history

Sunday December 20, Children’s Program, Indonesian Choir, Holiday Meal

On Sunday, December 20, the children under the direction of Yufen Ming, Alan Fiol, Anna Furness and some of our Indonesian students are diligently preparing for a special Christmas presentation. After the worship service, you are invited to an all-congregational meal. The church will provide the ham, and the potatoes, but we are asking you to sign-up this Sunday to bring sides and a desert. We will also need to organize three teams--set-up, serving and clean-up. Step up, serve and celebrate!

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Our candlelight Christmas Eve service is Thursday, December 24 at 7:30 pm in the4th floor chapel. It will be a service of lessons and carols, readings in different languages from friends from all over the world, and meditation on the Christmas story. Afterward (weather permitting) we will gather on the roof to sing carols, light candles and drink hot cider together. Bring friends and introduce them to Jesus.

Shida Night Market Caroling

On Saturday, December 19, get your dinner and come to the fifth floor at 5:30 pm. We will eat together, practice the carols and then go to the Shida Night Market at 7 pm to announce to our friends and neighbors that Jesus Christ is born! At the end you are invited to come to my home nearby for hot chocolate.


Dennis Brown

Fall Retreat at Christ College: “Waking Up to the Wonder of Jesus”

On Saturday and Sunday, September 19 and 20, we have our all-church retreat at Christ College. The theme is “Waking Up to the Wonder of Jesus.”  In Romans 13, Paul says that it is easy to fall asleep spiritually.  This Sunday is the last day for you to be able to register. Don’t miss out. It will be a time to connect with FPC members and families, and to commit ourselves to 1) regular worship 2) regular community through small groups 3) and regular service. You will also be able to meet Jules Grisham and his family. If you still want to attend, stop by after this Sunday service and register for the retreat or if needed call the church at 2362-1395 to reserve a place.

Jules Grisham to Candidate for Position of Associate Pastor

From September 11 to 21, Jules Grisham along with his wife Virginia and their 11 year old son, Guy, will be visiting FPC. He will speak in the worship services on Sunday, September 13 and at the retreat on September 20. Jules has a wonderful testimony of how he came to Christ in his late 20’s and then was called into the ministry. He has been a successful pastor in the greater Philadelphia area from what wasssentially the same presbytery where I am a member. After his visit, the elders in discussion with Jules will consider the prospects of calling him as a full-time associate pastor in the early months of 2016.

No Worship Service at Friendship Church on September 20.

Instead, join us for worship at the retreat at Christ College at 11:00 am. The retreat will be a significant time for us to grow in Christ and connect with one another and welcome newcomers to our church.

All Church Picnic After Service on Sunday, September 13

Fall is picnic season. Last year, some of the best times were after church at NTU when families and singles could get to know one another. So this Sunday, September 13, you are invited to join us. Just get your lunch and go to the NTU campus near the lake. If you are new and don’t know the way, meet at the Triangle Park at 1:15 pmjust outside the church and Leo Lin will be there to be your guide. After the picnic, we will play softball and soccer. I just found out that the picnic tables have been moved--so you might want to bring a blanket to sit on. Come casual this Sunday and stay for the day.

Leadership Transitions and Saying Thanks

Last Sunday, Jonathan Shumate was elected as an elder of Friendship and willbe installed in the worship service on Sunday, September 27.  This will be Michelle Ko’s last Sunday if she is approved for her visa to Australia. Also, Kin Chong and Rick Chamness are stepping aside as elders for personal reasons. They will still be here and serving in different ways, but just not in the capacity of elders. On this Sunday we want to thank them for the amazing service they have given to the church. Last year we went through a crisis when both pastors lost their visas. Kin and Rick guided the church with great wisdom during that time and the church owes them a huge debt of thanks. Along with welcoming Jonathan, we will be thanking Rick, Kin and Michelle for their service to us. After the service, we will serve a cake and express our appreciation forall of them.

Anna Furness and Sunday School Growth

Last Sunday, the church voted to increase Anna Furness’ role as administrative assistant and leader of children’s ministry. Anna has a great heart for children as well as a sophisticated philosophy of ministry and theological orientation that fits us perfectly. Under her leadership Sunday School has grown. She also assists in general administration of the church. Please support her by volunteering to assist with Sunday School.

Michelle Ko and Future Plans

Michelle Ko has been a rich source of blessing to our church in these past months and years. She was on furlough as a missionary with SIM (Serving in Missions) in recent months and so has been volunteering her service at the church. She has been invaluable particularly with the many projects we have had lately. Many of us for the first time were able to hear about her courageous service for nine years caring for children dying from AIDS in a remote area of Kenya. Michelle has accepted a two year ministerial position with a Chinese church in Adelaide, Australia, and if her visa is approved will be flying there at the end of October.

Jerry Chiao and Joining the October 3 Workshop and Music Jam Session

For the last six years, Jerry Chiao has been our worship director. He coordinates two teams. As a result, worship is consistently excellent. We can often take it for granted. In actuality, our teams are getting a bit weary and we need fresh members on the team. We need committed people not just for Sunday worship, but to lead worship in the small groups, tech support, PowerPoint,  set-up and take down, etc. To encourage all of you, join us on Saturday, October 3 from 10 to 12 for the worship workshop and jam session here at the church.

September Small Group Sign-Ups

September is a time for new beginnings. We always say that you are really not in the church unless you are in a small group. Here are three larger groups you can consider: Martin and Red on Wednesday evenings in Xihu (mostly young adults), Settlers on Thursday evenings at the church (mostly young adults), TGIF on Friday evenings (married and singles). Also there is a couple’s group and as needed we organize Christianity Explored groups for people who are exploring Christianity. If none of the above work, form a quad (three to four people). We can get you curriculum and help. Contact the church office at

Jason and Kristie Truell to Vancouver, Canada

Jason and Kristie Truell were with us for several years and gave us excellent service. We are still benefiting from the work they did with community groups, Sunday School, website and other areas of ministry. Jason has recently become a pastor of a church in Vancouver, Canada. They look forward someday to returning to Taiwan--the country they probably love the most. Send them an e-mail letting them know they are in your thoughts and prayers.