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Thoughts on faith and life at Friendship Church

A Story & a Meal to Save Your Life

Dennis Brown


A Story and a Meal to Save Your Life. 

The curriculum we are using in Sunday School is taking the children through the Biblical story. They have been in Genesis and recently the story of Joseph. The curriculum is designed to show that the Bible isn’t so much a list of rules and good advice but a story where every part points to Jesus. It’s like putting together a puzzle over a long Christmas vacation that is laid out on the table, and different family members finding how the pieces go together so a single image arises. One of our children Tilly said to her Mom (in paraphrase) in almost bated breath, “What is next? How will the story end?” 

Those of us who grew up in the church get overly familiar with the story. It becomes a bit dull. We might find ourselves like the little child saying after hearing the story of the three bears, “Dad, can you give me a new story.” When it comes to the Bible, there is only one story. It is ever new. 

This Sunday, we look at Luke 24 where some disciples feel their hopes are dashed, the story around which they were going to build their lives has been shattered. With downcast faces, a mysterious stranger joins them. He explains to them the story that they didn’t “get.” Then they sit at a table, and he breaks bread with them and their eyes are opened to the true meaning of the story and the story teller. We want our children to “get” the story—to build their lives around this amazing story and the even more amazing person. Wouldn’t it be great if you “got” the story as well—not just the children? Come and see! 

Life At Friendship: 

Newcomers Luncheon. If you are new to the church in the past couple of months, you are invited to a newcomer’s welcome at Pastor Dennis’ home this Sunday, April 10 at 1:00 pm. Just gather at the main doors of the church, and we will walk together to the apartment. At the last gathering, we started a new small group from this gathering. If there is interest we may begin a new Christianity Explored group from those of you who attend.

Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? How are we to understand Islam?  How can we be a community like Jesus who respond with both grace and truth? Christianity and Islam are two of the three Abrahamic faiths, and have a shared history of key figures. An Islamic caliphate was recently re-established in the Middle East by ISIS, the first serious effort at rebuilding a global political Islamic government since the fall of the Ottoman Empire in the 1920’s. Come and discuss this important question and how we can reach out to our Muslim neighbors. This discussion will be led by Jason Warren this Sunday, April 10 in room 501 from 1:15 to 2:30 pm. Get your lunch and join us.  

Sunday School Teacher Dinner and Appreciation. We never underestimate the value of joining us in serving our children here at Friendship. We would like to show our appreciation to all those who have served on the Children’s ministry team recently. Come join us for dinner and fun, as a way of saying thank you. We will meet at Pastor Dennis’ house, from 6:30pm. If you are serving as a teacher or assistant we would like you to join us! Thank you for serving our children and their families! An email invitation will also be sent out today.

What's the Pastor Reading? “Seriously Dangerous Religion” by Iain Provan. Somebody said that they loved the New Testament, but that they said the Old Testament was like a haunted house. They didn’t know how to enter it or make sense of it. As we mentioned we are asking the children to enter the Old Testament and find that instead of it being a “haunted house”, it is actually the story of how God decides to redeem the world by a family.
Many modern people think the Old Testament is a haunted house and that it might be even dangerous. Iain Provan is a professor of Old Testament at Regent College. He shows how the Old Testament is the story that unlocks the story of our own lives and humanity in general, that instead of it being a “dangerous” story, it is the story that brings liberation.

Easter at Friendship

Dennis Brown

Easter Sunday

Pastor Dennis Brown


When Jesus suddenly appeared in his resurrection body, the disciples hid behind locked doors for fear of arrest. Suddenly Jesus came through the doors in his resurrected body. It was an OMG (“Oh my gosh”) moment. Actually all the resurrection stories have that quality about them. When he meets some women on the road, he says, “Ni-hao-ma!”  What I mean is the term used as the common greeting of the day. Imagine, Jesus is dead. There is no thought that he could be resurrected. Suddenly, Jesus shows up and says “Hi.” It blew them away. Have you had an OMG moment? Why? Jesus is on the loose, looking for people, to draw them to himself!


This Sunday, the international students will lead worship. They will rock the house with love for Jesus.  I will share a message from John 20 on “Jesus Finds Thomas.” Thomas had said eight days earlier that he wouldn’t believe without objective evidence. Well, Jesus is listening to him and eight days later shows up and takes him “on.” It was a real OMG moment. Also during Sunday School, the children will have an Easter Egg hunt. Come and join us for this high day of celebration.


Good Friday Service

Join us Friday for the Good Friday Service on the fourth floor chapel at 7:30 pm. It’s a simple service of hymns, readings from the crucifixion, a message and the Lord’s Supper. The title of the message is, “Why did Jesus have to die?”


Newcomer’s Luncheon, April 10

If you are new to the church in the past couple of months, you are invited to a newcomer’s welcome at Pastor Dennis’ home on Sunday, April 10 at 1:00 pm. Just gather at the main doors of the church, and we will walk together to the apartment. At the last newcomers welcome we started a new small group from this gathering. If there is interest we may begin a new Christianity Explored group from those of you who attend.


“Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?”

How are we to understand Islam?  How can we be a community like Jesus who respond with both grace and truth? Christianity and Islam are two of the three Abrahamic faiths, and have a shared history of key figures. An Islamic caliphate was recently re-established in the Middle East by ISIS, the first serious effort at rebuilding a global political Islamic government since the fall of the Ottoman Empire in the 1920’s. Come and discuss this important question and how we can reach out to our Muslim neighbors. This discussion will be led by Jason Warren on Sunday, April 10 in room 501 from 1:15 to 2:30 pm. Get your lunch and join us.


Children’s Ministry Social, April 16

If you are part of the children’s ministry, come join us for a social evening at the Pastor’s house on April 16. More information to come. 


Dennis Brown

Reflections at the beginning of a new year

I began my eighth year at Friendship in early November. As I look back, it’s with such joy for the community that the Lord has built during that time. We are a basically young, multi-cultural, international church. I have watched us grow in unity, growing spiritual maturity, and numerically. This last year we recaptured the momentum of previous years after a difficult 2014. Many of you stepped up to assume positions of leadership. I cannot tell you how much joy it gives me to be here every Sunday and throughout the week with you. I see all the cultural diversity and it truly is a little taste of heaven.

Our plans for now are to transition at the end of 2016. As such, I am working diligently to insure that you have the best leaders in place, and to seek to find, and train a senior pastor who can continue the great journey together. The search team is meeting regularly to accomplish that objective. I saw the end of Downton Abbey last night, and I was struck with Carson’s word (who was in transition) that he wanted to hand the abbey over to the right person. I have that same deep goal and desire.

We also say goodbye in the next two months to two of our leaders:  Rick and Erin Chamness and Jerry & Bebe Chiao. Jerry became our worship director almost five years ago, and changed the tone of the entire church with his leadership. No one knows how valuable his service has been more than me. Along the way, he and Bebe met in the worship team and were married. Rick served as an elder during a difficult period and along with Kin Chong guided us through some choppy waters. Erin was always a big help in the Sunday School. We will miss them. Be sure to greet them and thank them. Also don’t forget to thank Kin even though he is still with us (on sabbatical) as his leadership genius was invaluable in strengthening the church in the past year.

I am also so grateful for Anna Furness who is always looking to lighten my load and serve you in a 1000 ways. Along with all the elders and deacons, I couldn’t be happier with our leadership team.   Let’s pray together for a year in which in greater ways “we glorify God for the good of Taipei.”