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Thoughts on faith and life at Friendship Church

Mission Incredible

Peter Brown

by Michelle Ko


Greetings from Taiwan. This will be my last newsletter from Taiwan as I am departing on April 8 to go to Tanzania via Kenya to begin a “Mission Impossible Journey.”

The decision to leave Australia and move to Tanzania as a frontline missionary again was one of hardest decisions I have ever made. Even though Africa had never left my heart and was in the back of my mind all the time, I still wrestled with God over the decision. But I had often pondered the question: “If you have only three months to live, where would you like to be and what would you like to do?” Only after agreeing with God that Africa was my answer did I find peace. As the apostle Paul said, “My only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” God has placed Africa in my heart as the place to share His love and the Good News of salvation.

As I am counting down and winding up my final preparations in Taiwan, I have very mixed feelings. I am sad to leave my family, my church and my friends but excited to start an incredible mission journey with Jesus in Tanzania, East Africa. I will be involved in the children’s ministry with a small SIM team. More details about the ministry will be in future newsletters. I am very thankful for the last three months in Taiwan as I was able to reconnect with supporting churches and friends. I also recently taught in the Children’s Ministry at Friendship Presbyterian. (Please see photo below).

As a missionary I have chosen to live by faith, which means relying totally on God’s provision to raise 100% financial and prayer support. This has been my testimony since 1997 when I went to study at Singapore Bible College and became a missionary in Africa and Australia. In the past 20 years, God has faithfully provided all my needs through your partnership with me in missions. As I continue on this mission of faith, I invite you to journey with me by helping to support me financially and prayerfully.

Thank you for partnering with me on this next chapter of my life! To support me please see the details below.

He Is Able,




You can use the following donation information according to where you live to financially support me. When you make a donation, please indicate my name or number and email me to let me know if you are a first-time donor.


My Name: Michelle Ko #034642





Taiwan:  Bank Name: 中國信託商業銀行公館分行
Account Name: 中華基督教國際事工差會
Account Number: 347 540 105 827

Singapore:  Direct deposit into SIM DBS Bank Account
Account name: SIM East Asia Ltd
Account number: 025-011051-0

Prayers and Praises:

• Praise God for His faithfulness in every circumstance I am facing.
• Praise God for friends around the world who encouraged me to walk with Jesus.
• Pray for the last few days in Taiwan that I will be able to finish up all the remaining details.
• Pray for travel and transitional time from April 8 until I find a suitable place to settle in Tanzania.