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Thoughts on faith and life at Friendship Church

5 Questions with...Jessica Stiefel

Peter Brown


1. How did you first get involved with Friendship Presbyterian?  I moved to Taiwan in the fall of 2016 from Portland, Oregon for a work opportunity. At the time, I was living in Taoyuan and had been searching for an English church near me without much luck. Eventually, I found Friendship Presbyterian through a Google search online and attended the next Sunday. As a newcomer, I found everyone was very welcoming and encouraging, so I continued to come back! I first started attending Friendship in October of 2017.

2. What do you do Monday through Saturday?  I work as a kindergarten teacher at an English school. I am at school every weekday from 9-5 then continue teaching afterwards with private students. When I have free time during the evenings, I enjoy being active. I go to the gym, play sports, or do yoga. On the first Saturday of every month, I volunteer with a Christian ministry that prepares and serves meals to the needy. I enjoy decompressing on the weekends by relaxing at Daan park, reading at a cafe, or going for a meal with friends. 

3. What is something people might be surprised to know about you?  People are usually surprised to hear about my move to Taiwan. I chose to move here on a leap of faith without ever having been to Asia, without knowing anyone here (let alone anyone that had ever been here), and without knowing the language. There were several unknowns, but I felt that God was leading me abroad. I had the opportunity to travel more and work with children which are two of my biggest passions in life. After almost three years here, I still feel that Taiwan has been nothing but a blessing in my life. 

4. What do you find most challenging about being a Christian today?  I feel that many people have a negative perspective of Christianity and its followers, which can be challenging to face at times. I feel that the exclusivism of Christianity and the fact that Christians see their way as the only way makes others feel judged or unworthy. I do not want people to feel judged by me because of my beliefs. 

5. What is one of your favorite books of the Bible?  I have found a lot of guidance in how to live my life as a Christian from the book of James. I enjoy its many quotable passages and how they are relevant to everyday life.